Middle Ages and Renaissance

Musée Unterlinden

Place Unterlinden
68000 COLMAR


+33(0)3 89 20 15 50

Opening hours

Wednesday - Monday 9am - 6pm
Closed on Tuesday
1st Thursday of the month 9am - 8pm

December 24th and 31st 9am - 4pm
January 1st, May 5th, November 11st, December 25th: closed


Crucifixion au dominicain
Crucifixion au dominicain

Our museum is mainly known for being a showcase of Rhenish Art in France with its remarkable collections of paintings and sculptures representative of the historical art of the Colmar region of the 15th and 16th centuries, a time during which the Upper Rhine has experienced a true Golden Age.



To discover the museum's collections, room sheets are downloadable on mobile and tablet from the link below:

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